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MNP Debt Blog

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​As retailers across the province advertise massive discounts to woo shoppers through their doors on Black Friday, thousands of Atlantic Canadians are preparing to paint their pocketbooks red with debt.

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​As retailers across the province advertise massive discounts to woo shoppers through their doors on Black Friday, thousands of Ontario residents are preparing to paint their pocketbooks red with debt.

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As retailers across the province advertise massive discounts to woo shoppers through their doors on Black Friday, thousands of British Columbians are preparing to paint their pocketbooks red with debt.

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​As retailers across the province advertise massive discounts to woo shoppers through their doors on Black Friday, thousands of Albertans are preparing to paint their pocketbooks red with debt.

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A recent poll conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD reveals nearly half (49%) of Saskatchewan residents say their financial situation is the worst around the holidays – more than any other time of year.

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Canadians Feeling The Pinch Of Higher Interest Rates

A new poll conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD reveals one in three Canadians are already feeling the effects of recent increase, while two in five worry any further increases will put them in financial trouble.

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Buy Nothing Day Shouldn't Be Once A Year

Buy Nothing Day: It’s been described as a movement, a means for people to reclaim control over rampant consumerism, an exercise in financial discipline, a protest.

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Canadian Debtholders Fear The Worst Amidst Rising Interest Rates

With debt-to-disposable-income ratios higher than ever and non-mortgage consumer debt consistently above $20,000, it’s long been suspected Canadian consumer debt was unsustainable.

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Debt-Burdened Canadians Anxious About Interest Rates

A new poll conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD reveals 70% of Canadians are already reconsidering their spending habits given the new debt environment and their uncertainty about where things are headed.

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What Happens To Debt In Divorce

Debt by itself can be a scary thing. Coupled with divorce, it can seem insurmountable.

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