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MNP Debt Blog

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I was required to pay 1440.00 for my bankruptcy. My tax return was more than that and GST was seized as well. Do i recieve this overage once my bankruptcy has been discharged?

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I had been discharged about 2002 from a previous bankruptcy. How will that affect me if i file again? Are there any changes. And how long for discharge and on file for?

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Does debt expire in Canada? Is the a statute on limitations?

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I have chose to repay all my debt to creditors yet my Trustee at another firm will not take this to court and release me from bankruptcy. What can I do. Keith

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I currently dont have any income and no asset. How can I apply for personal bankruptcy?

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hi i was wondering if i could get some info on some things i owe almost 8,000 in debt and at my witz end just wondering if bankruptcy was a good soultion ive tried talking to the banks and thats going now were

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Can I Keep My House if I File for Bankruptcy

I want to know if I can keep my house, if I apply for bankruptcy I want to get out of this debt problem but I can't find a part-time job.

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If you own a condo and car will they be taken away if you declare bankruptcy? What if there is garnishing on your wages, can this be stopped as well? Do I need an appointment to talk with someone there and what hours is there someone available?

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If you file bankruptcy and your mother, who has gone bankrupt in the past, passes away and you inherit life insurance of 25000 between you and your sibling do you have to hand your share over to the bankruptcy. Will they attempt to take it all.

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How do I find out if someone who owes me money has filed bankruptcy?

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