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MNP Debt Blog

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Do have to give everything up or can I keep anything?

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I attended university in the US and am now living back in Canada. Is it possile to file for bankruptcy in the US? Will doing so harm my credit in Canada? Thank you for your help!

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how can i get a pre initial consultation for personal bankruptcy. if i would like to go for this is my husband will have to go too,. thanks emmy

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Hi there, I cam currently in Bankruptcy. I went bankrupt in January of 2005. I should have been discharged by now. I am still owing them money plus other creditors. Am i able to seek credit counselling while i am still in Bankruptcy?

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My husband and I are looking at probably having to file a joint bankruptcy. We take home $7004 and I am wondering what surplus income we would have to pay.

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If I just leave the country for a certain amount of time will all my debts (credit cards, loans, 6 years of unpaid income tax, etc.) just "0" out? If the answer is "no" would I have a problem getting into another country with a fresh bankruptcy on my...

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Garnishment By Canadian Creditor In Other Countries

I am in debt on my credit line by $15000.00 with td bank I live and work overseas. Can the bank garnish my wages ?

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I am currently in bankruptcy and had my cell phone stolen, but am still on contract with the company,can i get another cell phone with them without them checking my credit or will I be out of luck in getting a new cell phone and have to suck up the bill...

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Bankruptcy And Foreclosures

I have two properties one is a primary residence and the other is a rental. The renters put a grow op in the basement and it was seized. I can't afford to fix the house and the mortgage is higher than the house is worth. Can I file for bankruptcy after...

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I would like to file for bankrupcy but i have a student loan and I am drowning in debt but trying to get a education to secure my future. Can i file for bankrupcy even with a student loan?

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