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MNP Debt Blog

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Financial Difficulties Hit All Walks Of Life

The association between insolvency and distrust may exist, but in reality, it’s often far from the case. In truth, financial distress hits people from all walks of life.

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While credit can be helpful in a pinch, credit reliance can quickly become a dangerous cycle that's difficult to get out of when there's no longer a steady income coming into the household.

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Given today's struggling economy, the fact that many households are grappling with the harsh realities of unemployment due to a stagnant energy sector and numerous other factors, an increase in interest rates, could push more than 30 per cent of respondents...

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Segregated funds are a type of investment vehicle that allows an investor to invest funds with a guarantee minimum return of initial capital.

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British Columbians Struggle to Keep Finances Flowing

Okanagan Edge recently covered an MNP survey surrounding financial literacy and consumer spending throughout B.C.

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British Columbians Embrace Low Interest Rates

With the Bank of Canada holding interest rates at record lows of just 0.5 per cent, many British Columbians are on a credit spending binge, using home equity as a means for taking on more debt.

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Can I File A Consumer Proposal If I'm Bankrupt?

If you are an individual who has filed a bankruptcy under the BIA and you have not been discharged from bankruptcy, you may opt to make a Consumer Proposal to your creditors.

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More Than Half Of Canadians On The Brink Of Insolvency

​Despite the fact that the Canadian economy continues to struggle, low interest rates have encouraged many Canadians to take on more debt.

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Building A Budget For A Seasonal Worker

Seasonal Income has led to many challenges for our clients. We see it often as debt ‘filling in the gaps’ until repayment becomes unmanageable.

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Could You Afford An Interest Rate Hike?

With the Bank of Canada holding interest rates steady at 0.5 per cent, Canadians are on a credit spending binge despite a continued slump in the national economy.

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