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MNP Debt Blog

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It’s been more than a year since the terms COVID-19 and pandemic entered our daily vocabulary and completely upended our routines. The mental health impacts of the virus, the various health orders, and their financial impacts are as significant...

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How do I go about filing a Bankruptcy?

Everyone can relate to feelings of depression and hopelessness at various points in their lives. Chronic or fleeting, these emotions may result from a sudden unexpected event such as a job loss, illness, or relationship breakdown — or build up more...

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The treatment of assets in a personal bankruptcy

One of the most common questions among consumer debtors contemplating Bankruptcy is, “what will happen to my assets?”

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Better Make a Budget (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

At some point, everyone has succumbed to the impulse to buy a new gadget, a new pair of shoes or some other spur of the moment gift for themselves. There’s nothing wrong with occasionally treating yourself. But when frequent impulse purchases start...

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Debt happens to everyone, so don’t be afraid to talk about it

There’s a persistent misconception about Bankruptcy which keeps people from taking the first step. Let’s see if we can debunk some of these here.

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The role and functions of a Licensed Insolvency Trustee are understandably confusing for those who are new to the insolvency process. Let’s take a look at some of their most important responsibilities.

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As pandemic-related government aid and loan deferral programs begin to wind down, the latest MNP Consumer Debt Index finds the number of Canadians hovering close to financial insolvency has reached a five-year high.

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I have a unique perspective on income tax debt among my peers, owing largely to my six years at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) prior to becoming a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT). The experience has helped me understand common strategies and behaviors...

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Four pitfalls to avoid for a debt free summer

Four pitfalls to avoid so your summer fun doesn’t end with the chill of a large bill you can’t afford.

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