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MNP Debt Blog

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Friday, March 4, 2016 marked the 10th annual Chili Cook-Off fundraiser for Community Care of St. Catharines and Thorold.

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Weakened Loonie Impacts Canadians Holiday Plans

While many Canucks often fly south for the winter season, more and more are opting for more creative getaways in hopes of holding on to their dollars - and avoiding hefty credit card bills.

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A Midlife Career Change Can Stress Family Finances

Whatever your reasons, if you're looking to take your career in a new direction - the most important thing you can establish for yourself and your loved ones, is a strong financial plan.

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Parents Of Millennials Teach Your Children Well

In this tough economic climate, it's difficult to make planning and budgeting for the future a priority. While millennials may still feel like the 'younger' generation, in truth, they are actually beginning to move into management and executive positions...

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The Payday Loan Dilemma

As the holidays quickly approach, Canadians are reaching deep into their pockets to spend money on gifts for their loved ones. Unfortunately, with Canadians carrying unprecedented debt loads, many are seeking out alternative routes to funding their holiday...

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Many individuals wait too long to seek assistance when they are facing unmanageable debt problems. By the time they reach out to a Licensed Trustee for a consultation, they are already in a debt crisis and bankruptcy is their only way out.

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According to one industry estimate, approximately 7% to 10% of Canadians use payday loans on a fairly regular basis to get by. Payday loan companies often trap low-income earners and cash-strapped individuals. At first, payday loans might seem like a...

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Financial Dieting The Psychology Of Money

Consumers can get the “blues” quickly when bills arrive in mail. With varying payments, due dates and interest rates, keeping track of it all can get very overwhelming. A budget or financial diet can help improve your financial health.

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What Is Debt Consolidation

Feel like you’re stuck in a cycle of debt and can’t get out? If you’ve had enough of juggling with your debt payments, a debt consolidation loan can help to eliminate the uncertainty of being able to pay your bills on time, while establishing...

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Lending money to family or friends can be complicated. While it’s natural to want to do what you can to offer support when it’s needed, there’s always that question of what happens if the debt is not repaid.

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