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MNP Debt Blog

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Will a Consumer Proposal or Bankruptcy impact my tax refund?

Often, people focused on solving debt problems through a Consumer Proposal or Bankruptcy may not recognize the impact these processes can have on their personal income taxes.

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Financial Literacy in the Youth Education System

Financial literacy is the key to educating youth to manage money effectively so that they can become financial stable, build assets, and achieve personal goals.

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How do I respond to creditors?

Here are the ABC’s of dealing with creditors and debt collectors.

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Regardless of the types of creditors you owe, and how much you owe, you still have options available and the opportunity to maximize recovery to creditors and reduce personal financial liability.

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How to live on a single income and manage debt

How can you manage your debt on a single income? These tips can help you save money, pay off your debts, and achieve your financial goals.

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woman reading utility bills

The 4 stages of debt collection

Here are the four stages of debt collection you can expect.

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Keeping in the green on St. Patrick’s Day

Today it’s all about Keeping in the Green in honour of the lucky holiday, St. Patrick’s Day!

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