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MNP Debt Blog

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Sometimes clients express concern that they will not be able to open a bank account or conduct banking while going through the process. This is not a concern in Canada.

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Pay off student loans or invest?

Here is an article - with some interesting discussion in the comments - about a young graduate who wants to know if he should invest or pay of his student loan debt.

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Most baby boomers have not saved enough for retirement - nowhere close in fact

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2013 Consumer Choice Award - Saskatoon

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14% Of Canadians With Debt Say They Will Never Pay It Off

In a recent poll conducted on behalf of CIBC, 14% of Canadians with debt say they will never pay it off.

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MNP’s Winnipeg was awarded the 2013 Consumer Choice Award in the Trustee in Bankruptcy category for a second straight year

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In case you haven’t heard, Canadian household debt-to-income levels have reached the record levels seen in the U.S. prior to the housing collapse.

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Believe it or not, household debt in Canada has actually soared past levels in both the U.S. and the U.K. The average household carries about $110,000 in debt – more than double the amount we used to carry back in the early 90s.

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To the best of our knowledge, filing an assignment in bankruptcy (or a consumer proposal) under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act would not preclude or prevent you from becoming a citizen. However, if you are an undischarged bankrupt, you may not apply...

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I’m a senior on fixed government pensions. If I file for bankruptcy, do my pensions automatically get sent to the Trustee?

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