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MNP Debt Blog

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What Can I Keep In A Bankruptcy In Ontario?

People fear the word “bankruptcy” for many different reasons. Often people worry about the effects a bankruptcy may have on their credit rating, the effect on their family or on co-signors and the societal perceptions.

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The Cure For The Holiday Bill Hangover

Finally we’re through the holiday season! But now it’s time for the bills to start rolling in. How nervous are you?

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Boxing Day How Much Are You Paying In The Long Run

Even while many Canadian consumers are struggling under a sluggish economy and increased unemployment, many were not deterred from sloshing into the snow to hit the stores for seemingly ‘once in a lifetime’ deals.

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Holiday Debt Got You Feeling Left Out In The Cold

As the New Year settles in and thousands of households across the country shutter themselves in from another great Canadian winter, many find themselves feeling the chill of debt as credit card bills start rolling in from holiday expenditures.

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Relationship Breakdown And Debt What To Do There Are Options

The process of ending a relationship or going through a divorce is, most times, never easy. It can be stressful and confusing to sort through all the different moving parts. And the decisions you make today can have long-term effects. Adding to that stress...

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As Canadians struggle under the pressure of an ever-increasing cost-of-living and a sluggish economy, many find this time of year especially difficult as they try to navigate around the costs of debt.

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Blue Monday Not So Blue

The third Monday in January was coined ‘Blue Monday’ as it’s earned a reputation as being the most depressing day of the year. For many Canadians already low on Vitamin D after braving months of a Canadian winter, having bills roll in...

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Banking Watchdog Warns Of Rising Mortgage Debt

As the Canadian economy continues to slump and unemployment grips thousands of households across the country, it's no surprise to learn that many are struggling to keep up with the costs of day-to-day living, let alone manage debt.

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The presents have all been opened, the many holiday feasts consumed, the tree has been packed away and you have many magical holiday memories. So, what’s the problem?

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Chinese New Year Are Red Envelopes Putting You In The Red

For a family struggling financially, this can be a difficult time of year as these expenses accumulate rapidly and the family often feels obliged to incur these expenses as a matter of meeting societal expectation.

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