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MNP Debt Blog

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If I declare a personal bankruptcy, can I remain as a director or a shareholder of a corporation before being discharged?

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I find myself in great financial troubles, and I am worried about losing my home.

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How Do I Challenge Information in a Consumer Proposal

If you have concerns about the proposal, the first thing I would:

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I think i'm in a lot of trouble financially and am worried about losing my home.

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as a family we have 2 cars with loans and a mortgage. if we go bankrupt can we keep the cars and house but claim the credit cards and line of credit.

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I was just wondering what the cost was to the person filing bankruptcy. I have heard that you loose your gst return, your tax return. I know that you are allowed to take home a certain household amount and anything over that goes to your creditors.

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How Does My Bankruptcy Affect My Spouse

If I declare bankruptcy, what can they take of my husbands. My name is not on the home, the only thing we own jointly is a piece of property in another province at a value of $8000.00 I am going bankrupt, but need this question answered before scheduling...

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How is the garage sale value of the furniture figured out? I mean, how is it decided what my couch and tv are worth? Do I just give an estimated figure or does someone come out to my apartment and take a look around at what I have?

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If I file bankruptcy, for example in September, and I want to move to the US, is that allowed before my bankruptcy is discharged?

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can I file for personal Bankruptcy twice? Because about 16 yrs ago i file for personal bankruptcy and due to the recession and loss of hours at work I am finding paying my bills really difficult.

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