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MNP Debt Blog

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Bankruptcy is a process that allows a debtor to get a fresh financial start. When you file for bankruptcy, you surrender your assets to your bankruptcy trustee. The trustee then turns those assets into cash, and distributes the money to your creditors....

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How Does My Partner's Credit Rating Affect My Ability To Get Credit?

Managing finances in a romantic partnership can be confusing when partners have different credit ratings.

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Alberta Debt Load

MNP LTD Trustee Zaki Alam was interviewed by CTV News Edmonton to discuss debt loads. Throughout the interview, Zaki discussed the significant amount of consumer debt across Canada, with Alberta having the highest average

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Mortgage Payment Growth

As an MNP LTD Trustee and a member of our Surrey, B.C Team, Judy Scott recently came across the following two articles in the Vancouver Sun and Huffington Post and felt it would be advantageous to our clients to respond.

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Warning Signs Of Financial Difficulty

Sometimes it seems that financial duress can sneak up on you. There are however, certain warning signs that may indicate you are in financial trouble, such as...

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Do not assume that bankruptcy or other debt solutions will cause you to lose your home. The decision to seek help for dealing with your debt issues is not easy.

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The Benefits Of A Consumer Proposal Versus A Bankruptcy

Consumer proposals and bankruptcies are both government legislated options which can provide you with relief from significant debt problems.

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In the following article, Ian Schofield, a Bankruptcy Trustee with MNP, discusses the significant increase in filings for bankruptcy or consumer proposals throughout Saskatchewan over the past few months.

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Fixed credit, means you borrow money to buy something and you pay back the amount you have borrowed, usually over equal monthly payments.

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Dads have been around. They know what’s going on in the world even if we think we know more. Sometimes they sit us down and tell us what we should know. Other times, Dads give us advice without us realizing it. It comes to us in offhand comments or subtle...

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