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MNP Debt Blog

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Let’s take a look at the myths and the facts about bankruptcy.

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Today it is common practice to use credit for everything from buying groceries to going on vacations. And many consumers are making the minimum payment instead of paying off the full balance. As the years roll on and credit card balances remain unpaid,...

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We spend our working years looking forward to the day we can retire, but how many people actually have a strategy in place to make sure those years turn out just as we imagined them? For many Canadians, retiring at 65 years old will mean a reduced monthly...

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We'll discuss what happens if you operated a limited company and the landlord seized the business assets for the outstanding rent. Learn what you should do about the creditors who still have secured assets inside.

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OSB Rejects Proposal That Credit Counsellers Be Allowed To File Consumer Proposals

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I delared bankruptcy in 2002 and now have a collection agency hounding me with phone calls about a small unpaid debt from 2001. They call five or six times a day requesting that I call them back and send them money. What do I do?

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Is income tax debt extinguished in a bankruptcy?

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If I were to declare bankruptcy and I have recently transferred a jointly owned/purchased camper to my spouse what effect will that have on my bankruptcy.

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Does the Surplus Income Calculation and Monthly Income and Expense Reporting in a Bankruptcy include the income of working teenagers?

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I living with a second-time bankrupt who filed a year before we moved in together. Does my EI income, student loan, tax refunds, etc. affect his surplus payments?

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