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MNP Debt Blog

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According to a recent Ipsos poll conducted by MNP LTD., Atlantic Canadians are the sole exception to a Canada-wide trend of increased anxiety around debt, interest rates and personal finances.

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According to a recent Ipsos poll conducted by MNP LTD., a growing number of Canadians are inching closer to insolvency – with the proportion who are $200 or less from being able to pay their bills each month (46%) rising six points since September.

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MNP Consumer Debt Index: October 2018 Results Summary

According to a recent Ipsos poll conducted by MNP LTD., Canadians continue to fear increasing financial turbulence as the prospect of another interest rate hike looms.

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According to a recent Ipsos poll conducted by MNP LTD., a growing number of Ontarians are noticing the effects of recent interest rate increases.

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According to a recent Ipsos poll conducted by MNP LTD., a growing number of Quebec residents don’t earn enough to cover their bills and debt payments, with one third (33%) – a five percent increase since September – now mirroring that sentiment.

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According to a recent Ipsos poll conducted by MNP LTD., Saskatchewan and Manitoba residents are the most likely (56%) to be within $200 of insolvency at month-end compared to other provinces – jumping 14 points since September.

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According to a recent Ipsos poll conducted by MNP LTD., British Columbians are particularly worried that rising interest rates will impact their ability to repay debts, with 58 percent expressing concern.

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According to a recent Ipsos poll conducted by MNP LTD., higher interest rates are a major concern among Albertans.

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According to a recent Ipsos poll conducted by MNP LTD., Manitoba and Saskatchewan residents are the most likely (56%) to be within $200 of insolvency at month-end compared to other provinces – jumping 14 points since September.

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How Bankruptcy Could Be The Gift You Never Knew You Wanted

Some would believe that bankruptcy is an unappealing way to resolve their ongoing debt problems.

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