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MNP Debt Blog

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The MNP Consumer Debt Index finds a third (32%) say they plan to spend more than normal on things such as travel, dining, and entertainment as they re-engage with the economy.

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Everyone has different interpretations of what is reasonable when it comes to budgeting and debt. Disagreements around spending priorities, what the household can afford, and long-term financial goals is a leading source of relationship conflict and,...

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Can I negotiate interest rates?

When applying for credit, most people believe they must accept whatever interest rate a lender is willing to give them. But that’s not always the case. Beyond shopping around for competitive rates, it never hurts to ask whether a lender is flexible...

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Is it difficult to declare bankruptcy? The short answer is… no. However, there are a few things you should know before you consider bankruptcy as a debt management resource.

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Financial health tips for millennials

Are you a millennial? This generation is quickly rising to dominance in Canada, representing a highly influential age range of 25 to 40 years and comprising more than a quarter of the population.

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Does your teenager want everything?

Being the parent of a teenager who wants everything all the time can be quite concerning for two reasons: One is the immediate drain on your own finances as you try to keep pace with their current desires. Second is the fear they may be in for a rude...

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Secured Debt and Unsecured Debt: What Are They & What Are the Differences?

When dealing with debt, the consumer is often faced with unfamiliar terms, such as “secured debt,” and “unsecured debt.” Debt is debt, right? Well, not quite!

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Every day we receive dozens of questions on our website, on social media, and during Free Confidential Consultations wondering how to overcome or alleviate debt without filing a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal.

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Prepare For the Uncertain Future (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

It’s difficult to predict the future. But it’s particularly difficult to predict your financial future. After all, who has a crystal ball to tell them what the future holds? What if your car breaks down and it needs major repairs? What...

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