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MNP Debt Blog

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What Interest Rate Increases Can Mean For Homeowners

After nearly a decade of historic lows, the Bank of Canada began increasing its key overnight interest rate in July 2017 in response to improving employment figures and a growing economy.

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Why Looking Forward is the Best Approach to Your Finances

Regret is one of the most common refrains Licensed Insolvency Trustees hear when we talk to clients about their debt. They ask questions like, “how did I get into this mess?” Or, “why did I make that decision?”

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What Happens To My Debts When I Die

As baby boomers continue to age, they face a growing number of questions about how they’re going to manage in the last phase of their lives.

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Gambling Debt? Recovery Is Possible

I recently worked with a retired and widowed client who came to MNP inquiring about possible debt solutions. He owed more than $120,000 on various credit cards and lines of credit which he was frightened he could never pay back in his lifetime.

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Debt Pinch Tightens Its Grip Across Canada

The collective pressures of increased interest rates, an uptick in consumer debt over the holidays, a stagnating economy and persistently high cost of living are making it difficult for Canadians to repay their debts.

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Letter To A Licensed Insolvency Trustee

Last year was long and stressful. The only thing I’m looking for in 2019 is relief from the relentless financial burden that’s been plaguing me. You see, I’ve weathered some major financial setbacks and I’m not sure how to dig myself out of this bottomless...

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It's the Thought that Counts: Think Affordable this Valentine's Day

According to legend, Saint Valentine of Rome restored sight to his jailer’s blind daughter on the evening before his execution. The following morning, he wrote her a farewell letter and signed it ‘Your Valentine’ – kicking off a centuries-long tradition...

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Thinking about financial freedom is like thinking about starting a diet – forcing yourself eat only healthy and unsatisfying foods when all you really want is a piece of double chocolate cake. But if you worry that finding financial stability means no...

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Holiday Hangover and The January Debt Cure

Another new year is upon us, and with that comes a fresh batch of resolutions.

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As the impact of higher interest rates continues to resonate across the country, a growing number of Prince Edward Islanders are struggling to cope.

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