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MNP Debt Blog

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MNP Consumer Debt Sentiment Survey B.C. Update

The latest MNP Consumer Debt Sentiment Survey shows that a lack of financial literacy skills may be intensifying British Columbians’ consumer debt binge.

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The latest MNP Consumer Debt Sentiment Survey shows that a lack of financial literacy skills may be intensifying Albertans’ consumer debt binge.

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Mnp Consumer Debt Sentiment Survey Update

The latest MNP Consumer Debt Sentiment Survey shows that a lack of financial literacy skills may be intensifying Canadians’ consumer debt binge.

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Reduce Your Debt Reduce Your Stress

It’s no secret that financial struggles can be a major contributor to stress and can dramatically affect not only your mental health and emotional well-being, but your physical health as well.

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Low Interest Rates Spur Consumer Debt Increases

With the Bank of Canada holding interest rates at record lows, a new poll conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP Ltd. shows that 31 per cent of Canadians anticipate taking advantage of the rates by increasing debt and consumer spending.

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Interest Rates Sending Canadians On Spending Sprees

With the Bank of Canada holding interest rates steady at 0.5 per cent, Canadians continue to feel confidant in excess spending, relying on credit as the national economy continues to struggle and many households are grappling with depleted income.

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With interest rates parked at record lows, many Canadians have taken full advantage – splurging on low cost credit despite a stagnant economy.

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Survey Results May 2017

Nova Scotia Housing Market Holds Tight

As unemployment continues to take its toll in Atlantic and Western Canada, the real estate market has taken a hit in many cities as thousands put their homes on the market in hopes of moving on to communities with more opportunity.

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5 Financial Tips On Teaching Your Child About Money

Growing up in a day and age of plastic credit cards can make the concept of money even harder to grasp for a child in today’s world.

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