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MNP Debt Blog

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New research conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD. finds six in 10 (63%) Ontarians feel the current low-interest environment is a good time to buy things they otherwise might not be able to afford.

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Beginning around the holiday season every year, many people wonder whether they should take the leap and seek professional help with their debt.

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Financial jargon can be murky at the best of times. Downright frustrating when you’re sinking in the depths of unmanageable debt.

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The ongoing uncertainty and instability caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have many people concerned about their financial circumstances. But managing debt is something you should always be thinking about no matter what is happening around you in the world...

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National Consumer Insolvency firm expanding to provided increased service in Northern Ontario

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MNP’s 24 Holiday Debt Savings Tips

We love the holidays here at MNP. But we hate the stress and financial difficulties it brings to millions of Canadian households every year.

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Does your child want it all, all the time?

As wonderful as children are, sometimes it’s tough to shop with a little one who wants everything.

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Nobody wants to believe they’re the kind of person who falls for marketing gimmicks — those pushy, transparent, often campy tactics clearly designed to part you with your money.

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Debt and Divorce (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

Financial issues are a leading contributor to divorce. If money was an issue during the marriage, it can be difficult to get both parties on the same page when it comes to settling debts that amassed during the marriage.

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The effects of debt can vary from person to person. You might worry over a $1,000 credit card debt, while your friend might not give a second thought until it’s in the tens of thousands.

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