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MNP Debt Blog

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My spouse or partner has debt and I don't — what should we do?

You and your life partner do exactly that — you share a life together; but do you also share the burden of all of your debt too?

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With a new year comes new financial resolutions, and for many people that means finally getting out of debt.

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Stigma of Debt (3 Minute Debt Break)

Often, people are uncomfortable speaking openly about their debt and its impact on their personal well-being. Those who are experiencing credit issues fear that the social stigma of debt may be viewed negatively by family and friends and society in general....

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Did you know that one of the principal causes of stress for Canadians is financial difficulties?

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British Columbians’ confidence in their personal finances has plummeted as uncertainty and pandemic fatigue continue to build amid the spread of the Omicron COVID-19 variant, according to the latest MNP Consumer Debt Index.

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Albertans’ confidence in their personal finances has plummeted as uncertainty and pandemic fatigue continue to build amid the spread of the COVID-19 Omicron variant, according to the latest MNP Consumer Debt Index.

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Atlantic Canadians’ confidence in their personal finances and debt repayment is noticeably shaken as uncertainty and pandemic fatigue continue to build amid the spread of the Omicron COVID-19 variant, according to the latest MNP Consumer Debt Index....

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Personal finance confidence has plummeted in Saskatchewan and Manitoba as uncertainty and pandemic fatigue continue to build amid the spread of the COVID-19 Omicron variant.

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Manitoba and Saskatchewan residents’ confidence in their personal finances has plummeted as uncertainty and pandemic fatigue continue to build amid the spread of the COVID-19.

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