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MNP Debt Blog

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How you can prepare for life after CERB

The Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) has been a welcome respite for Canadians struggling with the economic fallout of COVID-19.

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How does compound interest compound your financial situation?

This can be highly beneficial when you’re investing because every month you can earn additional interest on the interest you earned over the previous months.

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What you should know about your first credit card

Are you thinking of applying for your first credit card? Or perhaps, you now have your first credit card. Here is what you need to know about your first credit card.

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Optimism about debt and personal finances jumps in Quebec

While the financial picture for many Quebec households looked bleak last quarter, many have stayed afloat thanks to the current raft of pandemic-related support programs.

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Amid relief measures, New Brunswickers more optimistic about debt

While the financial picture for many Atlantic Canadian households looked bleak last quarter, many have stayed afloat thanks to the current raft of pandemic-related support programs.

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Amid relief measures, Newfoundlanders more optimistic about debt

While the financial picture for many Atlantic Canadian households looked bleak last quarter, many have stayed afloat thanks to the current raft of pandemic-related support programs.

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Amid relief measures, Nova Scotians more optimistic about debt

While the financial picture for many Atlantic Canadian households looked bleak last quarter, many have stayed afloat thanks to the current raft of pandemic-related support programs.

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While the financial picture for many Atlantic Canadian households looked bleak last quarter, many have stayed afloat thanks to the current raft of pandemic-related support programs.

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British Columbians concerned about personal finances

The financial picture for many British Columbian households looked bleak last quarter. And even with the current raft of pandemic-related support programs, many are struggling.

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Manitoba and Saskatchewan households were feeling more optimistic last quarter, but concern about debt is now growing in the provinces — even despite the raft of pandemic-related support programs.

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