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Bankruptcy FAQ

You have questions? We have answers.

Debt can be overwhelming and confusing, but it doesn't need to be. Our Licensed Insolvency Trustees have answered the Frequently Asked Questions we've been asked about Bankruptcy.

Licensed Insolvency Trustee holding up a piece of paper and advising a person on bankruptcy options.

Consumer Proposal vs Bankruptcy

Consumer Proposals and Bankruptcies are both government legislated options which can provide you with relief from significant debt problems. In addition, both debt solutions can only be administered by a Licensed Insolvency Trustee and provide a legal stay of proceedings which require creditors to discontinue harassing collection calls, garnishment or other legal proceedings.

Determining which, if either, option is an appropriate solution in your own unique situation depends on a number of variables. Let’s explore the advantages and disadvantages of both a Consumer Proposal and a Bankruptcy.

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How To Budget For Inflation (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

Lifestyle Debt

The cost of daily goods has been rising over the past few years, increasing the price of food, gas, clothing, and other essential items Canadians need. According to the Bank of Canada’s Inflation Calculator, costs have increased by 15 percent from 2020 to 2023. This means an item that used to be $1.00 now costs $1.15. If your income hasn’t increased by 15 percent in the same period, you might be feeling the pinch of inflation on your budget. Now might be a good time to revisit your budget to ensure your monthly income covers your expenses.

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