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MNP Debt Blog

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What happens when you’re overspending?

Many people start a new month or year with the intention to budget and save, but not many are able to stop themselves from overspending. If you’re dealing with overspending issues, you’re not alone.

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A guide to life after Consumer Proposal

You’ve made your last payment but now what? How to establish and keep good financial habits following a Consumer Proposal.

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Good Financial Health or Trouble Ahead?

It’s important to be aware of the state of your financial health so you can easily and quickly take steps to improve it or set it in order. What are the signs of financial well-being?

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Middle aged couple enjoying beautiful sunset walk on the beach

Everything you need to know about retiring debt free

It’s never too early, or too late, to work towards becoming debt free, especially as you approach retirement.

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How long does the Bankruptcy process last?

You might be looking for a solution to your financial stress, and you could have heard that Bankruptcy will help you achieve a fresh financial start — but you may have questions about the process. One of the most common among these is how long a...

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Everything you need to know about life after Bankruptcy

Moving forward from Bankruptcy and making the most out of your financial fresh start.

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father gesturing and talking with teenager son in park

Money wasn’t something my dad talked about very much when I was growing up. However, he did have a couple of expressions he would share repeatedly over the years.

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