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MNP Debt Blog

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A recent Ipsos poll conducted on behalf of MNP LTD reveals higher costs and interest rates appear to be causing an isolation phenomenon, with more than half of Ontarians saying they’re staying home more often (52%) to save money.

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A recent Ipsos poll conducted on behalf of MNP LTD reveals higher costs and interest rates appear to be causing an isolation phenomenon. Three in five Manitoba and Saskatchewan residents say they are staying home more often (61%) to save money — more...

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A recent Ipsos poll conducted on behalf of MNP LTD reveals higher costs and interest rates appear to be causing an isolation phenomenon. Three in five Saskatchewan and Manitoba residents say they are staying home more often (61%) to save money — more...

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If you’re struggling with your finances and heading toward bankruptcy, you may think it makes sense to sell or transfer some of your assets.

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Life after debt

You’ve been through one of the biggest financial challenges of your life. Overwhelmed by debt you couldn’t manage on your own, you made the choice to meet with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee.

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Discharge Period

Everyone’s financial journey is unique. If yours looks like it may lead you down the path of working with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee to file for Bankruptcy or submit a Consumer Proposal, then a debt-free future awaits you. The sign that you’ve finished...

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Benefits of a Consumer Proposal

Deciding to follow through on a Consumer Proposal is a tough decision to make. It’s not a position that anyone wants to find themselves in, but at the same time, it’s nice to know that there’s a reasonable path back to full financial freedom.

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Consumer Proposal process

For people who are struggling with their debt, a Consumer Proposal can be a great option to get their finances back on track.

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The Bankruptcy process

After consulting with your local financial advisor, you’ve determined that Bankruptcy is the next step for you. While the decision may not be easy, it’s an important step in your journey to debt freedom.

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