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MNP Debt Blog

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When debt should and shouldn’t be your next DIY project

There are numerous reasons why some people choose to take on a project themselves rather then engage another person or company. These can range from an interest in learning a new skill, to a passion for doing the work themselves, pride and shame of asking...

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Nobody sets out to have their lives turned upside down, get into debt or deal with the unimaginable stress it causes. But that doesn’t mean most of these situations aren’t preventable. Here are four critical mental shifts which can help turn...

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No matter the size of your debt there are basically only two ways to deal with it; calculating it and managing it down. Listen for tips on how to do both and help avoid the never ending feeling of debt!

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What is a debt management program and is it better than Bankruptcy?

For many people, the stress and uncertainty surrounding the pandemic has only served to compound existing financial difficulties. Loss of income and rising debt loads are adding to the stress and forcing individuals to look at options they never thought...

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Can creditors seize or garnish government retirement benefits?

One of the biggest concerns among indebted pensioners is whether creditors have the right to seize or garnish their Canada Pension Benefits (CPP) and Old Age Security Benefits (OAS).

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What Happens If I Don't Pay My Taxes (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

All debt can be overwhelming, but there’s no creditor quite as frightening as the CRA. The bottom line is if you have not filed taxes for several years or your tax debt is severely delinquent, you’re on CRA’s radar.

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Six in 10 (59%) say they are $200 or less from not being able to pay all their bills and debt obligations each month — a whopping 16-point jump from December and the highest compared to the other provinces. This includes three in 10 (31%, +10pts)...

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Six in 10 (59%) say they are $200 or less from not being able to pay all their bills and debt obligations each month — a whopping 16-point jump from December and the highest compared to the other provinces. This includes three in 10 (31%, +10pts)...

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