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MNP Debt Blog

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Don't Let Debt Stress Weigh You Down

People often come to me after months – sometimes even years of struggling with debt

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Start Planning Now To Avoid That Holiday Debt

If you listen carefully, you can already hear the subtle sound of sleigh bells off in the distance – just above the cheerful voices of tellers upselling stocking stuffers at the till.

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Invest In Retirement Or Keep Focusing On Debt?

As a consumer finance professional, I field a lot of questions about money. But few do I experience more often than the age old — “Should I invest in my retirement or pay off my debt?”

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Exploring the Differences Between a Consumer Proposal and a Bankruptcy

In today’s constantly shifting economic landscape, many Canadian households are struggling to keep up from one payment to the next – let alone keep up with an ever-increasing cost of living.

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For people with minor or even moderate debt, the combination of a structured financial plan and a few temporary sacrifices can go a long way toward eliminating their burden.

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Getting To Know The Licensed Insolvency Trustee

Dealing with the stress of unmanageable debt is exhausting.

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Will Bankruptcy Erase All Of My Debt?

The intention of Canadian bankruptcy law is to provide honest and overextended debtors the opportunity for a financial fresh start.

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What Happens If I Owe CRA A Lot Of Money

Owing the government money can be very intimidating as it’s assumed the government has a limitless ability to collect the debt through any means necessary.

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People often cite unexpected expenses as one of the main reasons they began using their credit cards at the beginning of a debt cycle.

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Who Can File For Bankruptcy?

There are several common scenarios which may cause you to wonder whether personal bankruptcy is an appropriate option to get out of debt.

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