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MNP Debt Blog

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Court Costs

My husband and I have been nailed court costs that we are having a hard time paying. Are we able to file bankruptcy on court costs?

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Help With Debt

I need help with debt.

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We currently are 1/3 owners of a private corporation We have a shareholder loan to the company. If the company declares bankruptcy, will creditors get paid before we get our loan back? In what order to people get paid?

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I never got my discharge from my bankruptcy, what do I do?

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A brief description of the term Surplus Income (Reposted).

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need bankruptcy info please

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If I am filing for personal bankruptcy for the second time, do I have to tell the Trustee, or is it his responsibility to find out, or does it matter?

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I and my wife has much loan in the bank and on credit card. It seems we cannot afford to pay the loan at this time. We are thinking to do bankcruptcy so we can stop and pay. Please response and thank you for your info.

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in a 2 person marriage and then a split one clams bankruptcy and the other do not ,the one who did not caim bankruptcy are thet to be put in the same 6 year hold by creditors even thow they have not filed ever for bankruptcy?

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If a creditor disputes a second personal bankruptcy and the case is still in the courts, how long does the court have to make a decisson on the fraudulant charge.

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