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MNP Debt Blog

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Consumer Insolvencies Staggering Compared To Past Years

MNP LTD Trustee Zaki Alam was interviewed by the numerous media outlets to discuss insolvency increase in Edmonton. The original article was originally posted online on numerous media outlets between June 27 - June 29, 2016.

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Consumer Debt Weighs On Prince George

The recent Business Outlook Survey conducted by the Bank of Canada confirmed what many Canadians already know – our economy is still struggling, unemployment is increasing, businesses are struggling and the cost of living is not making financial health...

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More Manitobans Failing To Make Debt Payments

MNP LTD Trustee Gord Neudorf was interviewed byWinnipeg Metro to discuss insolvency filings in Manitoba and how they compare to those of Saskatchewan and Alberta.

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Looking to build a financial buffer? Summer is the perfect season to pick up a second job and save up a contingency nest egg!

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Debt Weighs Heavily On The Minds Of Students

As the cost of living and tuition continues to increase year after year, thousands of Canadian students find themselves taking on significant debt loads to cover the cost of post-secondary studies.

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Is the drop in the Canadian dollar affecting your financial health? Good news! You can still live well by spending smart!

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Round Up Your Debt Eh

Given today’s economy and an increased cost of living, many Albertans are feeling the pressure and are ready to ‘round up their debt’.

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Three Advantages Of Filing For A Consumer Proposal Vs A Bankruptcy

Debt becoming unmanageable and you’re looking for a way to avoid bankruptcy? Let’s discuss the pros of a Consumer Proposal.

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Household Debt Remains Near Record High

As the Canadian housing market continues to rise, especially in hot spots like Vancouver and Toronto, many are struggling to keep up with the price of living.

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Consumer Proposals are the leading alternative to bankruptcy in Canada for individuals who wish to negotiate a more favourable debt repayment plan with their unsecured creditors.

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