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MNP Debt Blog

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Should I be using my credit card for big purchases?

Like many of the topics we tackle at MNP, the unfortunate answer here is it depends on why you want to use your credit card and what your plan is to pay it off.

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The illusion of good credit

People are often hesitant to file a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal for fear of ruining their credit. They reason they must have excellent credit because they‘ve always made their monthly minimum payments on time.

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What is the difference between a Consumer Proposal and debt management plan?

We’re asked this question often, largely because of the initial similarities many people see between these two debt solutions.

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You’re saving, you’re budgeting for all the costs involved — and you’re nearly ready to put an offer in. But have you factored mortgage default insurance into your calculations?

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How do I send my kids to school without breaking the bank?

There’s ample evidence showing post-secondary education can support higher income potential and lifestyle goals that otherwise may not be achievable.

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Five resources to increase your money management IQ this financial literacy month

Personal finance can seem like an endless stream of jargon, best practices, and often contradictory advice about what you should do with your hard-earned income.

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How you can get the full vacation experience without the debt hangover

Given all the challenges Canadians have been through so far this year, it’s safe to say everyone deserves an escape. Vacations can be a great way to escape from everyday responsibilities and reconnect with family and friends.

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Consumer Proposals vs. Bankruptcy (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

This is another edition of the MNP 3 Minute Debt Break podcast. In this installment, we discuss the differences between Consumer Proposals and Bankruptcies.

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