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MNP Debt Blog

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Getting a hold of your debt can be stressful and having to go through that process online can add to the load. Meeting in-person with an LIT can help alleviate some of that stress.

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Five tips on how to get your finances back on track after the holidays

The New Year always brings the promise of a fresh start.

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Are you planning to improve your finances in the new year? These seven tips can help you get started.

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Canadians’ current debt perception has reached an all-time low as t he latest MNP Consumer Debt Index drop s to 83 points — a decrease of three points from the last quarter .

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The impact of inflation and higher interest rates is leaving British Columbians feeling pessimistic about their debt situation.

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The impact of inflation and higher interest rates is leaving Quebecers feeling pessimistic about their current debt situation, according to the latest MNP Consumer Debt Index.

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The impact of inflation and higher interest rates is leaving Atlantic Canadians feeling pessimistic about their debt.

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The impact of inflation and higher interest rates is leaving Ontarians feeling pessimistic about their current debt situation, according to the latest MNP Consumer Debt Index.

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