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MNP Debt Blog

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The collection agents are calling. How do I make it stop?

Are you in a situation where you’ve fallen behind on your debts and now the account is in collections? As if the stress of your mounting bills wasn’t bad enough, now you’re worried there’s a collections agent lurking behind every...

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My partner filed Bankruptcy; do I need to as well?

It is a common misconception that if one partner in a marriage files Bankruptcy, the other needs to as well. However, this isn’t always the case: there is no law that says both parties must file Bankruptcy. But it is a timely opportunity to review...

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Don't rely on luck! Build a financial plan

Just the mere thought of financial planning is enough to send many people into a tailspin. But it can be a truly empowering exercise. You just have to break it down into small enough steps so it’s not so overwhelming.

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Consumer Proposals and Bankruptcies are government legislated insolvency options that can provide relief from serious debt problems. Both solutions can only be administered by a Licensed Insolvency Trustee. In addition, both solutions provide a legal...

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Can I keep my car if I file a Bankruptcy?

Fear of losing needed or cherished assets is one of the most common reasons why people are hesitant to file a Bankruptcy. And a motor vehicle is understandably one of the assets potential bankrupts are most fearful of losing. Unfortunately, there isn’t...

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Seniors and Debt (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break Podcast)

As you look ahead to the future and retirement, you probably have many goals and dreams you’re looking forward to. But for many seniors, just when they should be relaxing and enjoying the fruits of their labour, many find themselves struggling financially....

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What's the income threshold to file a bankruptcy?

Many people are surprised to learn there is no minimum or maximum income threshold to file a Bankruptcy. Individual financial situations are so unique that it’s possible someone earning $10,000 per month is just as eligible to file a Bankruptcy...

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Change your financial habits, change your financial life

Bad financial habits are easy to fall into and impact wealthy households, low income individuals, the highly educated and uneducated alike. They can cause all sorts of personal and financial difficulties — but it’s often not until they’ve...

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Despite the fearless efforts of previous generations there remains a pronounced gender wealth gap in Canada, along with persistent stereotypes and stigmas about how women manage their money. In celebration of International Women’s Day 2021, and...

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Money and possessions are how we make our way in this world. And when someone comes looking to take those things away, that threatens our way of life. Naturally, our only options are to fight, flee or freeze.

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