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MNP Debt Blog

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Despite the Bank of Canada stating it will keep interest rates stable until next year, more than 6 in 10 (62%) Atlantic Canadians say they are more concerned about their ability to repay debts than they used to be — the highest proportion compared to...

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Despite the Bank of Canada stating it will keep interest rates stable until next year, nearly half (48%) of British Columbians say they are more concerned about their ability to repay debts than they used to be.

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Despite the Bank of Canada stating it will keep interest rates stable until next year, more than half (54%) of Manitoba and Saskatchewan residents say they are more concerned about their ability to repay debts than they used to be.

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Despite the Bank of Canada stating it will keep interest rates stable until next year, more than half (55%) of Ontarians say they are more concerned about their ability to repay their debts than they used to be.

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Despite the Bank of Canada stating it will keep interest rates stable until next year, more than half (54%) of Saskatchewan and Manitoba residents say they are more concerned about their ability to repay debts than they used to be.

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Despite the Bank of Canada stating it will keep interest rates stable until next year, more than half (54%) of Canadians say they are more concerned about their ability to repay their debts than they used to be.

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Despite the Bank of Canada stating it will keep interest rates stable until next year, more than half (51%) of Quebec residents say they are more concerned about their ability to repay debts than they used to be.

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Despite the Bank of Canada stating it will keep interest rates stable until next year, 6 in 10 (58%) Albertans say they are more concerned about their ability to repay their debts than they used to be.

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MNP Consumer Debt Index July 2019 Results Summary

Canadians who find themselves in serious financial trouble could be digging themselves into a deeper hole by not seeking help when they need it.

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Getting Out Of Debt Reduces Stress

If you’re struggling with debt, you may have missed payments, debts may have gone to a collections agency and your stress levels are through the roof. Maybe you’re concerned about your credit rating and what to do next.

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