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MNP Debt Blog

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Debt Has Many Canadians Teetering On The Edge Of Insolvency

With a weakened economy, a struggling loonie and in some provinces, many facing the reality of under or unemployment, many Canadians are so financially stretched they aren’t sure how they will keep up with the day-to-day cost-of-living, let alone...

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Thousands Of Albertans Left With A $200 Problem

MNP’s recent Consumer Debt Sentiment Survey has just been released and it’s painting a pretty sobering picture of just how hard Albertans have been hit by the recession.

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Albertans Feel The Pinch Of Overwhelming Consumer Debt

MNP’s Consumer Debt Sentiment survey shows more than half of Albertans are barely making ends meet, with many having to rely on credit to make it from one payment to the next.

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The $200 Dilemma In Manitoba And Saskatchewan

MNP’s recent Consumer Debt Sentiment Survey has revealed some startling statistics for people living in Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

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50% of Those in Manitoba and Saskatchewan on the Brink of Insolvency

With a weakened economy and hundreds of thousands of households in western Canada grappling with the very difficult realities of unemployment, it’s no surprise (or secret) to learn that many are struggling financially.

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Albertans Scrambling To Keep Up With Bills

A recent MNP Consumer Debt Sentiment Survey found 35 per cent of Albertans don’t have enough money coming in to keep up with their financial obligations.

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MNP Consumer Debt Sentiment Survey reveals Canadians’ feelings about their debt and their perception of their ability to meet their monthly payment obligations.

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The Gap Between Canadians And Insolvency Is Narrow

According to our recent MNP Consumer Debt Sentiment Survey, a whopping 56 per cent of Canadians are within just $200 away of being unable to keep up with their financial obligations at the end of each month.

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The purpose of this article is to give you some idea of what your rights are in a bankruptcy when you are a creditor and aren’t satisfied with some aspect of the process.

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Falling Behind? Make the Call

As the price of oil continues to affect households throughout Alberta and Saskatchewan, many are falling behind and finding themselves unable to keep up with the day-to-day cost of living, let alone staying on top of their debt obligations.

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