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MNP Debt Blog

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While Boxing Day discounts can feel like significant savings in the moment, if you’re relying on credit to pay for your purchases, they may end up being a lot more expensive than even the original retail price in the end.

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Declaring Bankruptcy What You Need To Know

Declaring bankruptcy is not an easy decision to make. It’s important that each individual seeking out the best debt solution to their unique situation have a full understanding of exactly what the requirements and consequences of filing for bankruptcy...

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Dont Let Blue Monday Keep You Down

The term “Blue Monday” was coined by psychologist Cliff Arnall when he calculated the third Monday in January as the most depressing day of the year.

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New Year Start Fresh Eliminate Your Debt Heres How

Prepare for the New Year by not increasing your debt burden over the holiday season. Gifts, travel, entertainment and boxing week sales are all outside the normal course of your monthly spend.

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Exciting news! MNP’s Insolvency team in Winnipeg has won the Consumer Choice Award in the Bankruptcy category for the Winnipeg region!

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Tis The Season To Be Spending

As holiday spending quickly adds up – it’s all too easy to reach for credit to cover the increasing costs. But how much does that credit use cost in the New Year.

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Thousands Of Calgarians Struggle With Credit Reliance

MNP’s Donna Carson recently spoke with Newstalk 770 about the current debt concerns for many Calgarian consumers.

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Motoring Through Debt

When people are struggling with debt, often one of their biggest worries is that they will lose their vehicle. For many, their vehicle represents not just a way to get themselves to work or the kids to hockey, but freedom itself. The idea of life without...

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Holiday Spending Made Easy

It is amazing how one time of year can bring about feelings of warmth and joy while simultaneously causing stress and anxiety.

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How Does A Consumer Proposal Work

A Consumer Proposal is a legal arrangement between you and your creditors, which is a great way to settle your debts when you are unable to repay them on your own.

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