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MNP Debt Blog

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I received a bankruptcy package in respect to someone who owes me money. The bankrupt did not list all of his assets. What do I do about this?

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What is the difference between a consumer proposal and credit counselling (or "debt management")?

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How long will bankruptcy last?

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1.if i own a home jointly,what happns if i declare bankruptcy? 2.are income tax arrears forgiven?

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On a second time bankruptcy how long will revenue canada take your taxes for. and do i get to keep my child tax credit.

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If I file for bankruptcy, who will know? Will my employer find out?

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Effect Of Bankruptcy On Credit Rating

What effect will bankruptcy have on my credit rating? I've been hearing that I won't get credit for 7 years. Is this true?

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How often do creditors accept a debt settlement? How much do you have to pay to settle your debt?

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I need to know options. I just had to shut my company down and i have debt way over my head. I don't want to lose my car or my house etc........

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