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MNP Debt Blog

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I owe my bank money for a visa account, I am behind on my payments, and they have taken my last couple of paychecks. My friend told me that if I go bankrupt, I can get this money back, is this true?

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I know student loans don’t go away in a bankruptcy unless it has been 10 years since you finished your program, but I’ve heard this is being changed. What will the new time period be and when will that change be in effect?

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I have a loan against my car and I need my car for work. If I do a bankruptcy, am I going to lose the car?

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Disability Pension

I'm on disability pension, one of my creditors are trying to garnishee my pension. Can they do this? I owe them 4,000, can I do a bankruptcy to get them off my case?

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Will garnishees be affected by bankruptcy?

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With a few exceptions, most banks and lessors will agree to your keeping the vehicle in a bankruptcy and continuing on with the payments so long as your payment history has been good and your payments are currently up-to-date.

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Currently, if you ended your studies less than 10 years before you start a bankruptcy, the bankruptcy will not release you from your obligation to repay the student loans.

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