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MNP Debt Blog

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Six in 10 Atlantic Canadians are likely to pile on more consumer debt before the end of the year, including one in five who will use buy now, pay later options.

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More than half are likely to pile on more consumer debt before the end of the year, including one in 10 who will use buy now, pay later options.

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Six in 10 Quebecers likely to pile on more consumer debt before the end of the year, including one in five who will use buy now, pay later options.

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This is the fifth in a five-part blog series about what Consumer Proposals are, how the process works, and whether they might be the right solution for you to get permanent relief from your unsecured debt.

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Five things to know about the costs of a Consumer Proposal

This is the fourth in a five-part blog series about what Consumer Proposals are, how the process works, and whether they might be the right solution for you to get permanent relief from your unsecured debt.

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What is impulse spending and why is it so hard to avoid?

Everyone, except perhaps the most frugal among us, makes purchases from time to time which they hadn’t anticipated or planned for.

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What COVID-19 can teach us about personal finance

The pandemic has highlighted how quickly and dramatically elements which originated thousands of miles away can disrupt our entire way of life. A microscopic virus, invisible to the human eye, has shuttered borders, transformed the economy, and altered...

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Four things to know about how a Consumer Proposal impacts your credit

This is the third in a five-part blog series about what Consumer Proposals are, how the process works, and whether they might be the right solution for you to get permanent relief from your unsecured debt.

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Five things to know about filing a Consumer Proposal

This is the second in a five-part blog series about what Consumer Proposals are, how the process works, and whether they might be the right solution for you to get permanent relief from your unsecured debt.

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There are steps every student can take to prepare for these costs and minimize the future financial impacts of pursuing a higher education.

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