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MNP Debt Blog

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Life After Debt: I've Decided To Get Credit Again, How Do I Manage It?

Securing new credit is a polarizing decision for people who have completed a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal.

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The Curious Case Of Millennials And Debt

Millennials have a complicated relationship with debt. As the first true ‘digital natives’ this generation grew up in the most media-saturated and consumerist culture in recorded history.

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​Relief from debt stress may be the only thing people focus on when they file a Bankruptcy. But for most households dealing with the overwhelm and hopelessness of long-term money problems, that's only the beginning. Bankruptcy has numerous peripheral...

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There are few skills as universal and integral to a child’s upbringing than money management.

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People often worry meeting with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee means they’ll be forced into Bankruptcy or a Consumer Proposal and not offered any other options.

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Life After Debt Should I Get Credit Again

Now that you’ve completed your Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal, you may be considering getting credit again.

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Can You Pay Your Debt And Save For Retirement

At MNP, we’re seeing a growing number of people working well-past retirement age simply to afford their monthly debt obligations.

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Weppa Changes On The Way

On October 29, 2018, Bill C-86, Budget Implementation Act, 2018, No. 2 was tabled, which includes some important amendments to the Wage Earner Protection Program Act (WEPPA).

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In my work as a Licensed Insolvency Trustee, I see firsthand the unfortunate effects financial crises can have on debtors’ mental and emotional wellness.

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Consumer Insolvency Rate Declining In Halifax

The number of consumer insolvencies per thousand residents in Halifax, aged 18 years or above, decreased to 6.1 in 2017 and then again to 5.8 in 2018.

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