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MNP Debt Blog

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Reviewing Debt Problems by Telephone

I'm not able to come to your office, can we discuss my debt problems over the phone?

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"My credit rating is good"...but will it buy groceries?"

Many clients will say their greatest fear is to take any action which may hurt their credit rating. But, at the end of the day what really is your credit rating?

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It’s the headline that grabs the attention of many people. But if something sounds too good to be true it probably is.

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As we enter tax season, many of us have a sense of dread.

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Under the new Family Law Act of BC, I am now considered a common-law spouse. Am I responsible for my common-law spouse’s debts?

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Generally, when an individual becomes a bankrupt, their assets vest in the trustee and are realized for the benefit of creditors. However some assets are exempt from seizure and realization by the Trustee.

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Today the Ontario government announced plans to impose regulations on debt settlement companies who advertise the ability to reduce the debts of consumers by up to 70% of more.

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This is the year you are going to make financial health a priority. You are going to gain control of your finances, dig yourself out of debt, and eliminate stress from your life. And every day, you resolve that you will start that process…tomorrow.

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The Christmas Season is meant to be filled with happiness and joy. However these feelings quickly change as we become caught up in the moment of spreading holiday cheer by means of expensive gifts.

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Yes, they are released in a bankruptcy, or consumer proposal for that matter.

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