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MNP Debt Blog

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After completing a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal, rebuilding your credit can feel nearly as daunting as getting out of debt.

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If you are an entrepreneur, sub-contractor or small business owner, tax season is likely one of your most challenging times of year.

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Sail Your Way Into Summer With A Budget

Summer conjures thoughts of lazy days at the lake, sunny afternoons in the garden, family barbeques and road trips you wish would never end.

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Paying Off Debts With Creditors

Nobody applies for a credit card, loan, mortgage or car payment with the intention of not repaying those debts.

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The approach taken by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) regarding the collection of personal income tax debt is straightforward.

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Is It Time To Cut Up Your Credit Cards?

For some people, quitting credit cards cold turkey is more than just great alliteration.

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Tax Debts: What To Do When Revenue Canada Comes Calling

Tax debt can be a scary prospect, particularly if it comes up unexpectedly. However, given the rise of and persistence of recent scams, it is important to confirm that it is, in fact, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) that is calling you.

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Filing Taxes The Inevitable Annual Event

A lot has changed over the past 200 years, but those two simple truths live on. Much as it may irk some, cost more to others and confuse many, filing taxes is the law, plain and simple.

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Three Tips For A Three Paycheque Month

People with bi-weekly income have the unique advantage of receiving 26 paycheques per year, compared to 24 paycheques for people who receive semi-monthly remuneration.

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Albertans are feeling worse about their consumer debt and personal finances than other province, according to the latest MNP Consumer Debt Index, a quarterly survey conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD.

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