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MNP Debt Blog

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How do I figure out what, if any, amount of "Surplus Income" I have to pay in a bankruptcy?

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What are some of the differences between a bankrupcy and a proposal. Why would I pick one or the other?

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Can I still operate my business if I am bankrupt?

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I understand that I have to pay "surplus income" during my bankruptcy, which is set by the Trustee. What if I disagree with the surplus income amount and what if I can't pay it?

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Can I get a student loan while I am in bankruptcy?

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How public is personal bankruptcy? Is it published in the newspaper? Will my employer be notified?

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What happens to tax refunds for the year in which a person files bankruptcy?

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I have a vehicle that is behind in payments and is my only means of getting to and from work. It is valued now at 7900. will i have to give it back to the bank? I owe close to 19000 on it

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How much does it cost to meet with a Trustee to discuss my financial troubles?

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Income Tax Debt And Bankruptcy

What happens to income tax debt in bankruptcy?

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