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MNP Debt Blog

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Six Reasons Why You Should Switch Banks When Filing a Proposal or Bankruptcy

This is part one in a six-part series on the rationale behind switching banks prior to filing for bankruptcy or kicking off a consumer proposal.

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Post-secondary education costs money. Depending on the program, sometimes a lot of it. But there are steps every student can take to prepare for these costs and minimize the future financial impacts of pursuing a higher education.

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What’s the difference between secured and unsecured debt?

Debt is a financial tool. And like any tool, it comes in many different shapes and sizes to fit its purpose.

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What happens after I file for a Consumer Proposal?

What happens after you file the paperwork and your Consumer Proposal goes into place? And, more importantly, how can this process help you go from overwhelmed by debt to mastering the art of credit management?

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Stigma of Debt: Your Questions Answered

To answer your questions about the stigma of debt, and to learn about the options available to you, tune into our Stigma of Debt VLOG series below with MNP's Licensed Insolvency Trustees.

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Looking for the right Licensed Insolvency Trustee? Here’s why being local matters

Until March 2020, there was no such thing as a virtual insolvency proceeding, unless you lived in a remote area. If you wanted to file a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal, you had to meet with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee in person.

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British Columbians are becoming acutely aware of how interest rates and inflation impact their household budgets as both continue on their months-long upward trajectory.

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Canadians are becoming acutely aware of how interest rates and the cost of necessities impact their household budgets, as both measures continue on a months-long upward trajectory.

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Quebecers are becoming acutely aware of how interest rates and the cost of necessities impact their household budgets, as both continue on a months-long upward trajectory.

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