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MNP Debt Blog

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How often can you file bankruptcy? is there any limit on how many times you can file for bankruptcy in Canada?

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How do I file (for) bankruptcy? What is the process that I will go through?

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We have a large debt and are running out of options. If we declare bankrupty, will we lose our mortgage. If we do a proposal ourselves is it binding

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RRSPs and Bankruptcy

I have a small RRSP, will I lose that in bankruptcy?

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Funds Held In Trust

There is money in trust to my children in the bank, will i that be taken?

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Paying A Family Member Before Bankruptcy

IF I owe a friend or family member can I pay him/her back with any available funds before I file for bankruptcy.

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Credit Cards With Zero Balances

If you have one credit card with no balance will it be shut down too?

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I have alot of debt, that I am unable to pay, what happens if I don't declare bankruptcy? I have no money to file for bankruptcy?

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I understand that my student loans cannot be discharged in bankruptcy or a proposal. What happens to my student loans during the process?

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Can Furniture Bought On A Credit Card Be Repossessed?

I purchased furniture on my credit card. If I go bankrupt, can my creditor repossess my furniture?

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