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MNP Debt Blog

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Recent Changes in Bankruptcy Law may affect those with student loans owing, even if they filed before the changes were made.

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What happens in the case when one of the spouses gets a job in the USA after a period of no employment and the other spouse does not want to follow and declares bankruptcy. Are the laws the sames in the US as they are in BC?

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Exempt Assets in Alberta - How does the Bankruptcy Process Work?

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I own my home with my wife, we are both are on title and we live there with our 2 young children. What will happen to my home,furniture,clothing,toys,computer etc. if I file for personal bankrupcy due to unpayable business loans?

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I have seen people being referred to as a former bankrupt. How has that information been made public?

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My question is......I have Power of Attorney over someone. Can I declare personal bankruptcy on behalf of that person?

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A description of the process an individual goes through when filing bankruptcy with MNP in Saskatchewan.

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What all will I loose if I declare bankruptcy and how do I declare bankruptcy?

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Hello, I have a vehicle lease I can no longer afford to pay and I was wondering if it gets reposed by the creditor can that cause me to go bankrupt ? I have a mortgage on a house so that is not an option ? Thanks

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what does the term "discharge from a bankruptcy" mean exactly?

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