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MNP Debt Blog

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The insolvency rate in the area, which had been declining since 2010, took a slight uptick to 3.4 per cent in 2018.

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The number of consumer insolvencies per thousand residents, aged 18 years or above, decreased slightly to 2.2 in 2018.

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The rate, which had been growing since 2013, dipped in 2017 before climbing again in 2018.

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Edmontons Insolvency Rate Reaches Highest Level In 9 Years

The number of consumer insolvencies per thousand residents in Edmonton, aged 18 years or above, hit 4.4 in 2018 – rising to the highest level since 2009 when it sat at 4.5.

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Calgary's Insolvency Rate Reaches Highest Level In 21 Years

The number of consumer insolvencies per thousand residents in Calgary, aged 18 years or above, hit 4.3 in 2018 – the highest level since 1997 when it sat at 4.8.

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Consumer Insolvency Rate On The Decline In Montréal

The number of consumer insolvencies per thousand residents in Montréal, aged 18 years or above, decreased to 4.9 in 2018, continuing the downward trend since 2016.

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Consumer Insolvency Rate On The Decline In Cariboo Region

The number of consumer insolvencies per thousand residents in the Cariboo region, aged 18 years or above, decreased to 3.7 in 2017 and then again to 3.3 in 2018.

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My Debts Are Gone – Now What?

Congratulations, you have successfully finished your Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal! You took control of your financial life and solved your debt issues. Now what?

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The number of Canadians who filed for insolvency in the first quarter of 2019 was up six percent compared to the same quarter last year, according to the latest official figures

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Your Credit Report And Credit Scores

Your credit record contains information reported by various lenders — including credit card issuers, banks and mobile phone companies — detailing when you opened your account, how much you owe, your payment history, if and how frequently you...

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