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MNP Debt Blog

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Consumer Debt And The Canadian Struggle

MarketWired recently covered MNP’s recent Consumer Debt Sentiment Survey which shows millions of Canadians are struggling to stay afloat.

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If we told you that many Canadians are struggling with overwhelming debt, would you be surprised?

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Even with their debt concerns growing, Canadians appear to be reluctant to get help. A survey from MNP Debt revealed that only 14 per cent of Canadians who admit to being unable to pay their bills have sought professional help to deal with their debt....

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Got Debt? Want to Live Debt-Free?

Living debt-free. This is a concept very few Canadians can claim.

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Economic Change Is On The Horizon

Fortunately, there are some simple steps that British Columbians can take to be more financially prepared for a shift in our economy.

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Every business is going to face challenging times, it is an unfortunate fact of life. The following discussion provides a general overview of issues to consider and list of options which may be available to you if you are trying to navigate through corporate...

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The Time For Asset Protection Planning Is Now

As bankruptcies are being filed in record numbers by both consumers and businesses alike, many are wondering how to protect their assets.

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British Columbia Interest Rates And The Housing Bubble

As the real estate market in British Columbia continues to create demand and increase property value and interest rates sit at rock bottom prices, many home and investment property owners throughout the province have allowed themselves indulgent consumer...

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Personal Taxes And Consumer Proposals: How Does That Work?

I am often asked if personal income tax and / or GST debt can be dealt with through a Consumer Proposal. The short answer is yes; however...

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Why You Should Pay Off Your Credit Card

Could you use a little extra cash in your pocket? Paying off your credit card debt will help.

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