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MNP Debt Blog

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What are my rights with regards to collectors? I have heard that there are some regulations regarding what collectors can and can't do and I'm wondering where I would find out about that?

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From Joy B.: How long does my bankruptcy stay on my credit report?

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Hello, I am wondering if I could declare bankruptcy to pay off my debt to ICBC, and what bankruptcy is all about. If you could please contact me with the information I seek that would be appericated. Sorry I wasn't quite sure which one to check off. Thank...

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If I decide to declare bankruptcy for my own personal dept, are my allowable asset values the same even if I am married with children?

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My Husband and I are pretty sure we need to file for a consumer proposal. We have spoken with a Credit Counselling service and with our budget and debt would not be able to afford one of their programs. What is our next step?

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Can I File For Bankruptcy Anywhere In Canada?

Is there any limit on where a person can file bankruptcy in Canada?

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Is there any limit on where a person can file bankruptcy in Canada?

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Need information about claimimg bankruptcy!!!

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How can I get out of debt? Pls any advice would be appreciated.

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how do I file for bankruptcy? I would like all the facts about what I will encounter.

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