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MNP Debt Blog

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Secured Creditors

How are secured creditors (mortgages, car loans etc.) affected in a bankruptcy or proposal?

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Student Loans

please can you tell me during bankruptcy do we need to start paying our school debts if we are still in school or we are taking courses in parttime during bankruptcy.

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Secured Creditors in a Bankruptcy or Proposal

How are secured creditors (mortgages, car loans etc.) affected in a bankruptcy or proposal?

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Can a bankrupt obtain credit while in bankruptcy? What types of credit are available?

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I am looking to declare bankruptcy and am wondering what the fees are? I am currently on E.I. and not able to pay. I am looking for a trustee who might take my case

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Can a bankrupt obtain credit while in bankruptcy? What types of credit are available?

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What happens if you can no longer pay any debts? With both people on pensions can the creditors go after your pensions and can they put a lien on your house even though you don't own it, but you have good standing with your mortgage. What happens if you...

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We've been out of bankrupcy now since April 29th 2010. I was told we would get back our GST checks that they kept during. When approx will it take to get the money backafter thier discharge?

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Can u help me? I'm steering into bankruptcy and I need your assistance.

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What happens if you win an ICBC settlement after a proposal is started?

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