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MNP Debt Blog

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Can I operate a small home business after declaring bankruptcy?

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What happens when the person that has garnished your wages and I have offered to make payments of 1000/month and they want 3500/month? Is there any way that I can get it lifted? It is from the gov for past taxes. They say that was from 4yrs ago.

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Claims by SGI in a Bankruptcy or Proposal

Does a claim by Saskatchewan Government Insurance survive a bankruptcy?

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I have heard that 1 person is allowed to make $1800/mnth income when 1 person files for personal bankruptcy,how much are 2 ppl allowed? And are there any exemptions? Meals on the road..hubby is a truck driver. Groceries for the house?

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I owe more to credit card companies than I make from my small pension. I can managed ,but one of my credit card,which I owe 6,000.00 will not listen to my multitude of offers attempts .They are in the driver seat and they act like it.

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Can A Creditor Delay My Discharge?

I am a second time bankrupt. Can CRA keep undischarged for longer than 12 months?

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Can Old Age Security Be Garnished By Creditors?

Can Old Age Security (income asisstance)be garnisheed by creditors?

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What information should I bring to an initial meeting with the Trustee?

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Is there an alternative to bankruptcy? My income is 945 per month at present-my husband is temporarily out of work(construction) and I am unable to repay a large credit card (lent to my son) .Can a credit card company send your debt to a collection agency?...

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Retailer Bankruptcy

If a retailer files for bankruptcy, and there is stock on his premises that has been sold and paid for but not picked up,will the owner of those item(s) be able to claim them, with proof of purchase?

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