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MNP Debt Blog

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Would you please explain "net income" - What if we have deductions as in CPP, Medical Insurance, and Super Anuations - Would we have to include that to our net income? Thanking you. Just very concerned before making a committment.

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what happens to my house when filing for bankruptcy... there is still mortgage on it but not much equity...

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Trustees Duties

Does the Trustee have fiduciary duties to the Bankrupt?

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If I apply for bankruptcy, will that include whatever I owe the government as well? Such as Motor Vehicle?

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Can a director of a corporation be held responsible for unpaid taxes?

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Are timeshare weeks considered an asset?

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Is the garnishment amount based on the income that would be paid according to the job contracted for[nursing] or would it be based on the actual income earned per year including overtime,extra shifts worked,all of which fluctuates from year to year and...

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Cost Of Bankruptcy

Hi I want to have personal Brankruptcy i have no money if I have bankruptcy how much will cost and who will pay?

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If I declare personal bankruptcy, will this affect our personal residence which is in only in my wifes name and she is the sole mortgage payor?

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I haven't done my taxes for five years, and can't afford to pay h & r block for them. If I file bankruptcy will they take my income tax money? and gst money?

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