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MNP Debt Blog

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According to a recent Ipsos poll conducted by MNP LTD., Canadians’ pocketbooks are continuing to get lighter as a result of recent interest rate increases.

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Don’t Be Fooled Into High Interest Debt Obligations

Credit today is more accessible than ever. On top of that are endless advertising and marketing initiatives that would have us believe lenders are our friends – here to help us out in a pinch.

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Make My Debt Disappear

Each quarter, we partner with Ipsos to survey more than 2,000 Canadians, gauging their thoughts, feelings, concerns and opinions about debt.

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I Cant Afford To Pay My Creditors Am I Judgement Proof

You’re a good, honest person. You know you should pay your debts. You want to pay your debts. But you can’t.

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Nobody enjoys being delinquent on their bills. But unfortunately, it’s not always possible to make ends meet.

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Budget Blues? Pay Yourself First

If you were to make a list of things you enjoy doing in your free time, it’s safe to assume budgeting likely wouldn’t rank in your top 10.

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Create A Successful Budget Fitness Plan – With Free Tools

Which word is more cringeworthy to you, budget or diet? Sadly, for many of us, we view those words with the same disdain.

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You Can't Hide From Your Creditors

One of the worst parts of having debt problems is dealing with the multiple phone calls from creditors and collection agencies looking for payment.

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Your credit cards are adding up. Add to that several other loans and lines of credit, and the complex juggling act of making your minimum payments can seem like a full-time job.

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Risk Of Lending And Borrowing Money From A Friend

​​​It's a piece of wisdom as old as time – money and relationships rarely mix.

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