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MNP Debt Blog

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I am a Canadian living in the United States. I have around $27,000 of Canadian Credit Card debt. Can I file for bankruptcy in Canada? What would that do to my US debts? Thank you.

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I am wondering if a life insurance policy would have to be collapsed and that money used to help pay creditors - it is worth about 10,000, the person still pays a monthly installment for it, and it is the only asset she has. Thank you,

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Will I lose my home if I file bankruptcy?

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My car is worth more than $5,000 - what happens if I file bankruptcy?

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I have another question, I owe credit cards, have a mortgage, own my car, and have rsps. Will the bank take my house if I go bankrupt?

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I have a lot of debt, mostly credit cards. I have a mortgage, own my car, and I have some rsps. If I go bankrupt will I lose my car or have to cash in my rsps?

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I have been spending beyond my means, I have a good job, but I can't keep up with my payments. My friend told me I can not go bankrupt because I make to much money, is this true? I make close to 40,000 but I owe about the same with credit cards and car...

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I need to go bankrupt, but I have a mortgage with my wife. She does not want to go bankrupt. How can I do this without dragging her into this?

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I am thinking about going bankrupt will this affect my wife's credit rating?

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what is a secured debt?

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